# Adding SSH keys To incorporate SSH keys, for instance, to enable authentication with a Git server, follow these steps: Step 0: If necessary, generate a keypair, for example using the command: ```bash ssh-keygen -t ed25519 ``` Please note that setting a password for the keypair is not yet tested. Step 1: Create a new file named `yourservice.yaml` within the [secrets](../../../secrets/) directory by executing the following command: ```bash sops secrets/yourservice.yaml ``` Within this file, create a value that contains your private key. For example: ```yaml yourservice: ssh: | -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- <...> -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- ``` Step 2: Reference this value in [your sops configuration](../../utils/sops/default.nix) as follows: ``` sops.secrets."yourservice/ssh".format = "yaml"; sops.secrets."yourservice/sss".sopsFile = secrets/youservice.yaml; ``` Step 3: Finally, add the SSH key to your SSH configuration so that it is used correctly when connecting to your host. Add the following lines to your SSH configuraton file: ``` Host yourservice IdentityFile /run/secrets/yourservice/ssh ```