from pydantic import BaseModel from peewee import * from playhouse.shortcuts import model_to_dict from typing import List, Union, Optional import time from utils.utils import decode_token from utils.misc import get_gravatar_url from apps.web.internal.db import DB import json #################### # Prompts DB Schema #################### class Prompt(Model): command = CharField(unique=True) user_id = CharField() title = CharField() content = TextField() timestamp = DateField() class Meta: database = DB class PromptModel(BaseModel): command: str user_id: str title: str content: str timestamp: int # timestamp in epoch #################### # Forms #################### class PromptForm(BaseModel): command: str title: str content: str class PromptsTable: def __init__(self, db): self.db = db self.db.create_tables([Prompt]) def insert_new_prompt( self, user_id: str, form_data: PromptForm ) -> Optional[PromptModel]: prompt = PromptModel( **{ "user_id": user_id, "command": form_data.command, "title": form_data.title, "content": form_data.content, "timestamp": int(time.time()), } ) try: result = Prompt.create(**prompt.model_dump()) if result: return prompt else: return None except: return None def get_prompt_by_command(self, command: str) -> Optional[PromptModel]: try: prompt = Prompt.get(Prompt.command == command) return PromptModel(**model_to_dict(prompt)) except: return None def get_prompts(self) -> List[PromptModel]: return [ PromptModel(**model_to_dict(prompt)) for prompt in # .limit(limit).offset(skip) ] def update_prompt_by_command( self, command: str, form_data: PromptForm ) -> Optional[PromptModel]: try: query = Prompt.update( title=form_data.title, content=form_data.content, timestamp=int(time.time()), ).where(Prompt.command == command) query.execute() prompt = Prompt.get(Prompt.command == command) return PromptModel(**model_to_dict(prompt)) except: return None def delete_prompt_by_command(self, command: str) -> bool: try: query = Prompt.delete().where((Prompt.command == command)) query.execute() # Remove the rows, return number of rows removed. return True except: return False Prompts = PromptsTable(DB)