spanish translation of the webui

This commit is contained in:
Ismael 2024-03-19 14:12:04 -04:00
parent 61b4ab1e63
commit 7c8727151e

View file

@ -12,16 +12,16 @@
"Add a model": "Agregar un modelo",
"Add a model tag name": "Agregar un nombre de etiqueta de modelo",
"Add a short description about what this modelfile does": "Agregue una descripción corta de lo que este modelfile hace",
"Add a short title for this prompt": "Agregue un título corto para este mensaje indicativo",
"Add a short title for this prompt": "Agregue un título corto para este Prompt",
"Add a tag": "Agregar una etiqueta",
"Add Docs": "Agregar Documentos",
"Add Files": "Agregar Archivos",
"Add message": "Agregar mensaje indicativo",
"Add message": "Agregar Prompt",
"add tags": "agregar etiquetas",
"Adjusting these settings will apply changes universally to all users.": "Ajustar estas opciones aplicará los cambios universalmente a todos los usuarios.",
"admin": "admin",
"Admin Panel": "Panel de Administrador",
"Admin Settings": "Opciones de Administrador",
"Admin Settings": "Configuración de Administrador",
"Advanced Parameters": "Parametros Avanzados",
"all": "todo",
"All Users": "Todos los Usuarios",
@ -103,12 +103,12 @@
"Desktop Notifications": "Notificaciones",
"Disabled": "Desactivado",
"Discover a modelfile": "Descubre un modelfile",
"Discover a prompt": "Descubre un mensaje indicativo",
"Discover, download, and explore custom prompts": "Descubre, descarga, y explora mensajes indicativos personalizados",
"Discover a prompt": "Descubre un Prompt",
"Discover, download, and explore custom prompts": "Descubre, descarga, y explora Prompts personalizados",
"Discover, download, and explore model presets": "Descubra, descargue y explore ajustes preestablecidos de modelos",
"Display the username instead of You in the Chat": "Mostrar el nombre de usuario en lugar de Usted en el chat",
"Document": "Documento",
"Document Settings": "Opciones de Documento",
"Document Settings": "Configuración de Documento",
"Documents": "Documentos",
"does not make any external connections, and your data stays securely on your locally hosted server.": "no realiza ninguna conexión externa y sus datos permanecen seguros en su servidor alojado localmente.",
"Don't Allow": "No Permitir",
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
"Enter model tag (e.g. {{modelTag}})": "Ingrese la etiqueta del modelo (p.ej. {{modelTag}})",
"Enter Number of Steps (e.g. 50)": "Ingrese el número de pasos (p.ej., 50)",
"Enter stop sequence": "Introduzca la secuencia de parada",
"Enter Top K": "Introduzca el K superior",
"Enter Top K": "Introduzca el Top K",
"Enter URL (e.g.": "Ingrese la URL (p.ej.,",
"Enter Your Email": "Introduce tu correo electrónico",
"Enter Your Full Name": "Introduce tu nombre completo",
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
"Export Chats": "Exportar Chats",
"Export Documents Mapping": "Exportar el mapeo de documentos",
"Export Modelfiles": "Exportal Modelfiles",
"Export Prompts": "Exportar mensajes indicativos",
"Export Prompts": "Exportar Prompts",
"Failed to read clipboard contents": "No se pudo leer el contenido del portapapeles",
"File Mode": "Modo de archivo",
"File not found.": "Archivo no encontrado.",
@ -162,12 +162,12 @@
"How can I help you today?": "¿Cómo puedo ayudarte hoy?",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Generación de imágenes (experimental)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Motor de generación de imágenes",
"Image Settings": "Opciones de Imágen",
"Image Settings": "Configuración de Imágen",
"Images": "Imágenes",
"Import Chats": "Importar chats",
"Import Documents Mapping": "Importar Mapeo de Documentos",
"Import Modelfiles": "Importar Modelfiles",
"Import Prompts": "Importar Mensajes Indicativos",
"Import Prompts": "Importar Prompts",
"Include `--api` flag when running stable-diffusion-webui": "Incluir el indicador `--api` al ejecutar stable-diffusion-webui",
"Interface": "Interface",
"join our Discord for help.": "Únase a nuestro Discord para obtener ayuda.",
@ -180,184 +180,184 @@
"Light": "Claro",
"Listening...": "Escuchando...",
"LLMs can make mistakes. Verify important information.": "Los LLM pueden cometer errores. Verifica la información importante.",
"Made by OpenWebUI Community": "Made by OpenWebUI Community",
"Made by OpenWebUI Community": "Hecho por la comunidad de OpenWebUI",
"Make sure to enclose them with": "Make sure to enclose them with",
"Manage LiteLLM Models": "Manage LiteLLM Models",
"Manage Models": "Manage Models",
"Manage Ollama Models": "Manage Ollama Models",
"Max Tokens": "Max Tokens",
"Maximum of 3 models can be downloaded simultaneously. Please try again later.": "Maximum of 3 models can be downloaded simultaneously. Please try again later.",
"Manage LiteLLM Models": "Administrar Modelos LiteLLM",
"Manage Models": "Administrar Modelos",
"Manage Ollama Models": "Administrar Modelos Ollama",
"Max Tokens": "Máximo de Tokens",
"Maximum of 3 models can be downloaded simultaneously. Please try again later.": "Se pueden descargar un máximo de 3 modelos simultáneamente. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.",
"Mirostat": "Mirostat",
"Mirostat Eta": "Mirostat Eta",
"Mirostat Tau": "Mirostat Tau",
"Model '{{modelName}}' has been successfully downloaded.": "Model '{{modelName}}' has been successfully downloaded.",
"Model '{{modelTag}}' is already in queue for downloading.": "Model '{{modelTag}}' is already in queue for downloading.",
"Model {{modelId}} not found": "Model {{modelId}} not found",
"Model {{modelName}} already exists.": "Model {{modelName}} already exists.",
"Model Name": "Model Name",
"Model not selected": "Model not selected",
"Model Tag Name": "Model Tag Name",
"Model Whitelisting": "Model Whitelisting",
"Model(s) Whitelisted": "Model(s) Whitelisted",
"Model '{{modelName}}' has been successfully downloaded.": "El modelo '{{modelName}}' se ha descargado correctamente.",
"Model '{{modelTag}}' is already in queue for downloading.": "El modelo '{{modelTag}}' ya está en cola para descargar.",
"Model {{modelId}} not found": "El modelo {{modelId}} no fue encontrado",
"Model {{modelName}} already exists.": "El modelo {{modelName}} ya existe.",
"Model Name": "Nombre del modelo",
"Model not selected": "Modelo no seleccionado",
"Model Tag Name": "Nombre de la etiqueta del modelo",
"Model Whitelisting": "Listado de Modelos habilitados",
"Model(s) Whitelisted": "Modelo(s) habilitados",
"Modelfile": "Modelfile",
"Modelfile Advanced Settings": "Modelfile Advanced Settings",
"Modelfile Content": "Modelfile Content",
"Modelfile Advanced Settings": "Opciones avanzadas del Modelfile",
"Modelfile Content": "Contenido del Modelfile",
"Modelfiles": "Modelfiles",
"Models": "Models",
"My Documents": "My Documents",
"My Modelfiles": "My Modelfiles",
"My Prompts": "My Prompts",
"Name": "Name",
"Name Tag": "Name Tag",
"Name your modelfile": "Name your modelfile",
"New Chat": "New Chat",
"New Password": "New Password",
"Not sure what to add?": "Not sure what to add?",
"Not sure what to write? Switch to": "Not sure what to write? Switch to",
"Off": "Off",
"Models": "Modelos",
"My Documents": "Mis Documentos",
"My Modelfiles": "Mis Modelfiles",
"My Prompts": "Mis Prompts",
"Name": "Nombre",
"Name Tag": "Nombre de etiqueta",
"Name your modelfile": "Nombra tu modelfile",
"New Chat": "Nuevo Chat",
"New Password": "Nueva Contraseña",
"Not sure what to add?": "¿No estás seguro de qué añadir?",
"Not sure what to write? Switch to": "¿No estás seguro de qué escribir? Cambia a",
"Off": "Apagado",
"Okay, Let's Go!": "Okay, Let's Go!",
"Ollama Base URL": "",
"Ollama Version": "Ollama Version",
"On": "On",
"Only": "Only",
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.",
"Open": "Open",
"Ollama Base URL": "URL base de Ollama",
"Ollama Version": "Version de Ollama",
"On": "Encendido",
"Only": "Solamente",
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Sólo se permiten caracteres alfanuméricos y guiones en la cadena de comando.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "¡Ups! ¡Agárrate fuerte! Tus archivos todavía están en el horno de procesamiento. Los estamos cocinando a la perfección. Tenga paciencia y le avisaremos una vez que estén listos.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "¡Ups! Parece que la URL no es válida. Vuelva a verificar e inténtelo nuevamente.",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "¡Ups! Estás utilizando un método no compatible (solo frontend). Sirve la WebUI desde el backend.",
"Open": "Abrir",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
"Open AI (Dall-E)": "",
"Open new chat": "Open new chat",
"Open new chat": "Abrir nuevo chat",
"OpenAI API": "OpenAI API",
"OpenAI API Key": "",
"OpenAI API Key is required.": "",
"or": "or",
"Parameters": "Parameters",
"Password": "Password",
"PDF Extract Images (OCR)": "PDF Extract Images (OCR)",
"pending": "pending",
"Permission denied when accessing microphone: {{error}}": "Permission denied when accessing microphone: {{error}}",
"OpenAI API Key": "Clave de OpenAI API",
"OpenAI API Key is required.": "La Clave de OpenAI API es requerida.",
"or": "o",
"Parameters": "Parametros",
"Password": "Contraseña",
"PDF Extract Images (OCR)": "Extraer imágenes de PDF (OCR)",
"pending": "pendiente",
"Permission denied when accessing microphone: {{error}}": "Permiso denegado al acceder al micrófono: {{error}}",
"Playground": "Playground",
"Profile": "Profile",
"Prompt Content": "Prompt Content",
"Prompt suggestions": "Prompt suggestions",
"Profile": "Perfil",
"Prompt Content": "Contenido del Prompt",
"Prompt suggestions": "Sugerencias de Prompts",
"Prompts": "Prompts",
"Pull a model from": "Pull a model from",
"Pull Progress": "Pull Progress",
"Query Params": "Query Params",
"RAG Template": "RAG Template",
"Raw Format": "Raw Format",
"Record voice": "Record voice",
"Redirecting you to OpenWebUI Community": "Redirecting you to OpenWebUI Community",
"Release Notes": "Release Notes",
"Repeat Last N": "Repeat Last N",
"Repeat Penalty": "Repeat Penalty",
"Request Mode": "Request Mode",
"Reset Vector Storage": "Reset Vector Storage",
"Response AutoCopy to Clipboard": "Response AutoCopy to Clipboard",
"Role": "Role",
"Pull a model from": "Extraer un modelo de",
"Pull Progress": "Progreso de extracción",
"Query Params": "Parámetros de consulta",
"RAG Template": "Plantilla de RAG",
"Raw Format": "Formato en crudo",
"Record voice": "Grabar voz",
"Redirecting you to OpenWebUI Community": "Redireccionándote a la comunidad OpenWebUI",
"Release Notes": "Notas de la versión",
"Repeat Last N": "Repetir las últimas N",
"Repeat Penalty": "Penalidad de repetición",
"Request Mode": "Modo de petición",
"Reset Vector Storage": "Restablecer almacenamiento vectorial",
"Response AutoCopy to Clipboard": "Copiar respuesta automáticamente al portapapeles",
"Role": "personalizados",
"Rosé Pine": "Rosé Pine",
"Rosé Pine Dawn": "Rosé Pine Dawn",
"Save": "Save",
"Save & Create": "Save & Create",
"Save & Submit": "Save & Submit",
"Save & Update": "Save & Update",
"Saving chat logs directly to your browser's storage is no longer supported. Please take a moment to download and delete your chat logs by clicking the button below. Don't worry, you can easily re-import your chat logs to the backend through": "Saving chat logs directly to your browser's storage is no longer supported. Please take a moment to download and delete your chat logs by clicking the button below. Don't worry, you can easily re-import your chat logs to the backend through",
"Scan": "Scan",
"Scan complete!": "Scan complete!",
"Scan for documents from {{path}}": "Scan for documents from {{path}}",
"Search": "Search",
"Search Documents": "Search Documents",
"Search Prompts": "Search Prompts",
"See for instructions": "See for instructions",
"See what's new": "See what's new",
"Save": "Guardar",
"Save & Create": "Guardar y Crear",
"Save & Submit": "Guardar y Enviar",
"Save & Update": "Guardar y Actualizar",
"Saving chat logs directly to your browser's storage is no longer supported. Please take a moment to download and delete your chat logs by clicking the button below. Don't worry, you can easily re-import your chat logs to the backend through": "Ya no se admite guardar registros de chat directamente en el almacenamiento de su navegador. Tómese un momento para descargar y eliminar sus registros de chat haciendo clic en el botón a continuación. No te preocupes, puedes volver a importar fácilmente tus registros de chat al backend a través de",
"Scan": "Escanear",
"Scan complete!": "Escaneo completado!",
"Scan for documents from {{path}}": "Escanear en busca de documentos desde {{path}}",
"Search": "Buscar",
"Search Documents": "Buscar Documentos",
"Search Prompts": "Buscar Prompts",
"See for instructions": "Vea el para instrucciones",
"See what's new": "Ver qué hay de nuevo",
"Seed": "Seed",
"Select a mode": "",
"Select a model": "Select a model",
"Select an Ollama instance": "",
"Send a Messsage": "Send a Messsage",
"Send message": "Send message",
"Server connection verified": "Server connection verified",
"Set as default": "Set as default",
"Set Default Model": "Set Default Model",
"Set Image Size": "Set Image Size",
"Set Steps": "Set Steps",
"Set Title Auto-Generation Model": "Set Title Auto-Generation Model",
"Set Voice": "Set Voice",
"Settings": "Settings",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Settings saved successfully!",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Share to OpenWebUI Community",
"short-summary": "short-summary",
"Show": "Show",
"Show Additional Params": "Show Additional Params",
"Show shortcuts": "Show shortcuts",
"sidebar": "sidebar",
"Sign in": "Sign in",
"Sign Out": "Sign Out",
"Sign up": "Sign up",
"Speech recognition error: {{error}}": "Speech recognition error: {{error}}",
"Speech-to-Text Engine": "Speech-to-Text Engine",
"SpeechRecognition API is not supported in this browser.": "SpeechRecognition API is not supported in this browser.",
"Stop Sequence": "Stop Sequence",
"STT Settings": "STT Settings",
"Submit": "Submit",
"Success": "Success",
"Successfully updated.": "Successfully updated.",
"Sync All": "Sync All",
"System": "System",
"System Prompt": "System Prompt",
"Tags": "Tags",
"Temperature": "Temperature",
"Template": "Template",
"Text Completion": "Text Completion",
"Text-to-Speech Engine": "Text-to-Speech Engine",
"Select a mode": "Selecciona un modo",
"Select a model": "Selecciona un modelo",
"Select an Ollama instance": "Seleccione una instancia de Ollama",
"Send a Messsage": "Enviar un Mensaje",
"Send message": "Enviar Mensaje",
"Server connection verified": "Conexión del servidor verificada",
"Set as default": "Establecer por defecto",
"Set Default Model": "Establecer modelo predeterminado",
"Set Image Size": "Establecer tamaño de imagen",
"Set Steps": "Establecer Pasos",
"Set Title Auto-Generation Model": "Establecer modelo de generación automática de títulos",
"Set Voice": "Establecer la voz",
"Settings": "Configuración",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Configuración guardada exitosamente!",
"Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Compartir con la comunidad OpenWebUI",
"short-summary": "resumen-corto",
"Show": "Mostrar",
"Show Additional Params": "Mostrar parámetros adicionales",
"Show shortcuts": "Mostrar atajos",
"sidebar": "barra lateral",
"Sign in": "Iniciar sesión",
"Sign Out": "Desconectar",
"Sign up": "Inscribirse",
"Speech recognition error: {{error}}": "Error de reconocimiento de voz: {{error}}",
"Speech-to-Text Engine": "Motor de voz a texto",
"SpeechRecognition API is not supported in this browser.": "La API SpeechRecognition no es compatible con este navegador.",
"Stop Sequence": "Detener secuencia",
"STT Settings": "Configuraciones de STT",
"Submit": "Enviar",
"Success": "Éxito",
"Successfully updated.": "Actualizado exitosamente.",
"Sync All": "Sincronizar todo",
"System": "Sistema",
"System Prompt": "Prompt del sistema",
"Tags": "Etiquetas",
"Temperature": "Temperatura",
"Template": "Plantilla",
"Text Completion": "Finalización de texto",
"Text-to-Speech Engine": "Motor de texto a voz",
"Tfs Z": "Tfs Z",
"Theme": "Theme",
"This ensures that your valuable conversations are securely saved to your backend database. Thank you!": "This ensures that your valuable conversations are securely saved to your backend database. Thank you!",
"This setting does not sync across browsers or devices.": "This setting does not sync across browsers or devices.",
"Tip: Update multiple variable slots consecutively by pressing the tab key in the chat input after each replacement.": "Tip: Update multiple variable slots consecutively by pressing the tab key in the chat input after each replacement.",
"Title": "Title",
"Title Auto-Generation": "Title Auto-Generation",
"Title Generation Prompt": "Title Generation Prompt",
"to": "to",
"To access the available model names for downloading,": "To access the available model names for downloading,",
"To access the GGUF models available for downloading,": "To access the GGUF models available for downloading,",
"to chat input.": "to chat input.",
"Toggle settings": "Toggle settings",
"Toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar",
"Theme": "Tema",
"This ensures that your valuable conversations are securely saved to your backend database. Thank you!": "Esto garantiza que sus valiosas conversaciones se guarden de forma segura en su base de datos en el backend. ¡Gracias!",
"This setting does not sync across browsers or devices.": "Esta configuración no se sincroniza entre navegadores o dispositivos.",
"Tip: Update multiple variable slots consecutively by pressing the tab key in the chat input after each replacement.": "Consejo: actualice varias variables consecutivamente presionando la tecla tab en la entrada del chat después de cada reemplazo.",
"Title": "Título",
"Title Auto-Generation": "Generación automática de títulos",
"Title Generation Prompt": "Prompt de generación de título",
"to": "para",
"To access the available model names for downloading,": "Para acceder a los nombres de modelos disponibles para descargar,",
"To access the GGUF models available for downloading,": "Para acceder a los modelos GGUF disponibles para descargar,",
"to chat input.": "a la entrada del chat.",
"Toggle settings": "Alternar configuración",
"Toggle sidebar": "Alternar barra lateral",
"Top K": "Top K",
"Top P": "Top P",
"Trouble accessing Ollama?": "Trouble accessing Ollama?",
"TTS Settings": "TTS Settings",
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text",
"Update password": "Update password",
"Upload a GGUF model": "Upload a GGUF model",
"Upload files": "Upload files",
"Upload Progress": "Upload Progress",
"URL Mode": "URL Mode",
"Use '#' in the prompt input to load and select your documents.": "Use '#' in the prompt input to load and select your documents.",
"Use Gravatar": "",
"user": "user",
"User Permissions": "User Permissions",
"Users": "Users",
"Utilize": "Utilize",
"Valid time units:": "Valid time units:",
"Trouble accessing Ollama?": "¿Problemas para acceder a Ollama?",
"TTS Settings": "Configuración de TTS",
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "¡UH oh! Hubo un problema al conectarse a {{provider}}.",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Tipo de archivo desconocido '{{file_type}}', pero se acepta y se trata como texto sin formato",
"Update password": "Actualiza contraseña",
"Upload a GGUF model": "Sube un modelo GGUF",
"Upload files": "Subir archivos",
"Upload Progress": "Progreso de carga",
"URL Mode": "Modo de URL",
"Use '#' in the prompt input to load and select your documents.": "Utilice '#' en el prompt para cargar y seleccionar sus documentos.",
"Use Gravatar": "Usar Gravatar",
"user": "usuario",
"User Permissions": "Permisos de usuario",
"Users": "Usuarios",
"Utilize": "Utilizar",
"Valid time units:": "Unidades válidas de tiempo:",
"variable": "variable",
"variable to have them replaced with clipboard content.": "variable to have them replaced with clipboard content.",
"variable to have them replaced with clipboard content.": "variable para reemplazarlos con el contenido del portapapeles.",
"Version": "Version",
"Web": "Web",
"WebUI Add-ons": "WebUI Add-ons",
"WebUI Settings": "WebUI Settings",
"WebUI will make requests to": "WebUI will make requests to",
"Whats New in": "Whats New in",
"When history is turned off, new chats on this browser won't appear in your history on any of your devices.": "When history is turned off, new chats on this browser won't appear in your history on any of your devices.",
"WebUI Settings": "Configuración del WebUI",
"WebUI will make requests to": "WebUI realizará solicitudes a",
"Whats New in": "Lo qué hay de nuevo en",
"When history is turned off, new chats on this browser won't appear in your history on any of your devices.": "Cuando el historial está desactivado, los nuevos chats en este navegador no aparecerán en el historial de ninguno de sus dispositivos..",
"Whisper (Local)": "Whisper (Local)",
"Write a prompt suggestion (e.g. Who are you?)": "Write a prompt suggestion (e.g. Who are you?)",
"Write a summary in 50 words that summarizes [topic or keyword].": "Write a summary in 50 words that summarizes [topic or keyword].",
"You": "You",
"You're a helpful assistant.": "You're a helpful assistant.",
"You're now logged in.": "You're now logged in."
"Write a prompt suggestion (e.g. Who are you?)": "Escribe una sugerencia para un prompt (por ejemplo, ¿quién eres?)",
"Write a summary in 50 words that summarizes [topic or keyword].": "Escribe un resumen en 50 palabras que resuma [tema o palabra clave].",
"You": "Usted",
"You're a helpful assistant.": "Eres un asistente útil.",
"You're now logged in.": "Ya has iniciado sesión."