#!/bin/bash # Backup a remote Nextcloud database using ssh. # Usage: backup-database [OPTIONS] usage() { >&2 printf "Usage: %s \n" "${0}" >&2 printf "It is assumed that the machine has passwordless access to the remote host.\n\n" >&2 printf "Options:\n" >&2 printf "\t-e \t Specify the environment file to use\n" >&2 printf "\t-h \t Show this message\n" exit "${1:-1}" } # Get options while getopts ":e:h" option; do case "${option}" in e) env_file="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage ;; *) >&2 printf "Error: Invalid option: '%s'.\n" "${option}" usage ;; esac done shift $(( OPTIND - 1 )) # Check arguments. if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then >&2 printf "Error: You need to specify a destination and a remote host.\n" usage elif ! [ -d "${2}" ]; then >&2 printf "Error: Specified destination does not exist or is not readable : '%s'.\n" "${1}" usage else remote="${1}" local_destination="${2}" fi # Abort entire script if any command fails set -e if ! ssh "${remote}" "test -f '${env_file:=.env}'"; then >&2 printf "Error: Environment file does not exist: '%s'.\n" "${env_file}" >&2 printf "Debug: PWD: '%s'.\n" "$(ssh "${remote}" 'pwd')" >&2 printf " Consider using the option '-e' to specify the correct environment file.\n" usage 2 elif ! ssh "${remote}" "test -r '${env_file:=.env}'"; then >&2 printf "Error: Environment file is not readable: '%s'.\n" "${env_file}" >&2 printf " Make sure the user you are using connect as has access to the file.\n" usage 2 fi backupfile="nextcloud_$(date +'%Y%m%d').tar.gz" # Check if the script would override existing files. if [ -e "${local_destination}/${backupfile}" ]; then >&2 printf "Warning: The backup file '%s' already exists. Not overwriting.\n" "${local_destination}/${backupfile}" while [[ -e "${local_destination}/${backupfile}" ]]; do backupfile="${backupfile%.tar.gz}_bis${counter:=1}.tar.gz" ((counter++)) done >&2 printf "Warning: Using '%s' as a safe alternative backup file.\n" "${local_destination}/${backupfile}" fi # Database backup # Create a temporary destination on remote host. remote_destination="$( ssh "${remote}" 'mktemp -d' )" printf "Debug: Using '%s' as a remote temporary directory.\n" "${remote_destination}" # Filename for database backup database_backupfile='sqlbkp.bak' remote_database_backupfile="${remote_destination}/${database_backupfile}" # Turn on maintenance mode ssh "${remote}" 'sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php /var/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --on' echo 'Info: Backing up database' ssh "${remote}" "source '${env_file}' && pg_dump 'nextcloud' -cwv -U 'nextcloud' -h 'localhost' > '${remote_database_backupfile}'" # Restore using: # psql -U nextcloud -h localhost -d nextcloud -f "path/to/file" # Files backup echo 'Info: Copying static files.' ssh "${remote}" "cp -a '/var/www/nextcloud/themes' '${remote_destination}'" # Turn off maintenance mode ssh "${remote}" 'sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php /var/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --off' # Copy everything over to local machine. echo 'Info: Copying to local machine.' ssh "${remote}" "tar -czf '/tmp/${backupfile}' ${remote_destination}" scp "${remote}:/tmp/${backupfile}" "${local_destination}" # Remove temporary destination on remote host. printf "Debug: Cleaning up '%s' on %s.\n" "${remote_destination}" "${remote}" ssh "${remote}" "rm -rf ${remote_destination}" # Backup cleanup # Only keep 30 days of backups printf "Info: Cleaning up old database backups in '%s'\n" "${local_destination}" find "${local_destination}" -name 'nextcloud_*.tar.gz' -type f -mtime +30 -print -delete echo 'Done'